Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Free At Last

     In honor of the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have A Dream" speech I decided to tune in and listen to it. I've heard it before, but in every season of life everything I've once heard speaks to me in a new and different way.
     This past summer I went home, when I had friends all across the US and the world acting on God's will for their life. Some were more local working at camps in Missouri, a couple were in Florida doing a discipleship program and a few were international spreading God's word and His love. I was kind of bummed, because I wanted to be doing something cool like that for God's Kingdom, but then I realized that I was sent back to Blue Springs, Missouri to do something cool for God's Kingdom. I wasn't sent home to be lazy or take a break, so my summer was surrounded by seeking God's desire for me and His plan for my life.
     One of my favorite things about MLK is that he was first and foremost a man of God. Even Wikipedia--which is a reputable source, I don't care who says otherwise--lists MLK as an American clergyman first. His desire for freedom and justice was God's will on his heart. King wasn't doing it out of selfish ambition, but he was living out God's plan for his life. He was the mouthpiece of the Body, and what people tend to forget is that he had a mentor. He had someone pour into him, who, for the most part, remains nameless. Most people couldn't name any one of the men who mentored and discipled King.
     Not everyone's role is the main stage, like MLK's was, but we all have one. No matter where we are in our walk, God has a desire for us to do something huge and change the world. We're all just one domino and if we don't "fall" into God's will the dominoes after us won't be moved.
     The entire time I was watching MLK's speech, all I could think about was how proud God must've been to see one of His creations follow His will for him. And how, if it wasn't for MLK's obedience my domino wouldn't have been knocked over by watching the speech, thus this blog wouldn't have been written! Ah, I could go on and on about the dominoes King was apart of because of his obedience to the Father, but that's why. It's because he stepped up and stepped out of himself and allowed God to use him in whatever way God needed him. And Thank God Almighty we are all free to do the same.