Sunday, April 24, 2011


Ahh, Happy Easter :)
I love Easter; one of the times I'm able to see all of my family (which seems like every year there's more and more), homemade cooking and assurance of salvation. Man, today is hard to wrap my head around. At church, Joey always gives us the illustration that if you think you're big, go to the cemetery and raise someone from the dead. You can't. But God did! That's insane! I don't think we allow ourselves to dwell on the fact that Jesus Christ took on human form, He did not count equality with God something to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking on the very form of a servant, being obedient to death, even death on a cross. I think we lose sight of the criteria it takes to be Christ. Sin-less, yet bearing all of our sin so that we might be the same. How reassuring, how holy. The Philippians passage I alluded to above goes on to say (2:8-11) Therefore God has highly exalted Him and bestowed on Him the name that is above ever name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth AND under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is LORD, to the glory of God the Father.
Christ is risen! I cannot even fathom what it must have been like to be one of the Mary's to go to the tomb and for the corpse of Jesus to be gone. What?!
Last week at the silent retreat I prepared myself for Easter and read the end of each of the gospels about the crucifixion and resurrection. Mark 15:38 says "and the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom." Meaning-because of Christ's great love-there is no middle man. I don't need any lifeline to connect me to God or pass the word to Him of whatever I need to tell Him. He is mine and I am His.
My faith is based on this. I am to be the servant of Jesus Christ because of His great love which saved me. So count your blessings today and remember- to God be the glory.

Monday, April 18, 2011

just a different view

This weekend I went on a silent retreat with flight training (my bible study). Seven and a half hours of silence talking to absolutely no one. Yes, it actually was as hard as you think. But I learned a lot. The time that I usually cloud with my own thoughts were consumed with what God wanted to tell me. But only when I was consciences in what He had to say.
The following is an excerpt from my journal while my time of solitude. Heads up: for those of you who don't know me very well, I'm sort of a cynical person... So bare with me if this may seem a little harsh. Just what I was shown over my solitude with Christ.
I'm seventeen-years-old and I already have the songs picked out that will play at my funeral. I don't know what color my prom dress is but I know A Thousand Miles will be on the soundtrack to tears on that day. I'm more focused on this world after my life than my life after this world. Where are my priorities? Am I really that important that once I die people are going to be concerned with me or think so highly of me that I need to plan out their sorrows for me? Of course, things are going to be different when I'm gone; that goes for everyone. But the only thing I need to worry about is: where will I be when I'm gone? I hear this every Sunday and at every Christ-shattering experience: "If you love God and you want Him to be in your life just say a prayer and tell Him, 'Jesus, I love you and I want you to be my savior,'" Give or take a few words and you just bought yourself salvation. That's great, don't get me wrong-not one day passes where I regret opening up that pocketing bible at Awanas and accepting Jesus as my Savior but no one ever told me when I opened my eyes and left that room the devil was going to be on my butt til the day I turn in my second life, whether that be at Heaven's gates or next winter. No one tells you that once the puppies and ice cream is all gone God's going to ask you to do away with some of you old ways. No one let's you know that it's not always going to be cool to walk with Christ. No one remembers that, that shoulder to lean on needs just as much loving, listening and leaning as you do. (I hate oxford commas). Too many people don't want to be saved from their sin they want to be saved from the punishment of their sin. Well, sorry, but there's not a Chipotle on every corner or dessert buffets with angel food cake. Heaven is filled with every one of God's exceeding expectations who realized the world was not worth it and unselfishly gave up themselves to pick up their own cross and Follow God. Because they were in love with HIM not what He had to offer.
It's easy for me to get angry with those who aren't doing what God wants them to. People can tell me, "Oh it's such an encouragement to see you grow." It is? Then show me. If you want what I have then let go of what's holding you back. If you really want to experience God's glory than put away the things of the past and do what He tells you to do. He might be telling me to not wear shoes for 3 weeks, and though that sounds like a dream come true to you, He might be telling you to sell all your clothes or break up with your boyfriend. Just because what Christ is doing in someone else's life may look glamorous doesn't always mean they didn't have to struggle to get there. When my grandmother passed away I didn't hear anyone telling me, "Man Alyssa, the only person you could ever relate to or depend on just died? Sweet dude, I wish I was you!" No, with that being said God took huge advantage of that oppritunity and I was able to grow a lot during that time. Everything worthwhile never comes easily. So don't tell me, "Gee, I wish God would speak to me the way He speaks to you." But then when you hear Him tell you loud and clear to take away the road blocks you turn the other cheek. DON'T TELL ME YOU'RE DROWNING IF YOU LIKE THE FEELING OF WATER IN YOUR LUNGS. I'm telling you, God speaks to me just like He does me, He just might be telling you something you don't want to hear. "So wash your hands you sinners and purify your hearts you double-minded." James 4:8

I've come to the realization that most high school kids are very, very shallow. I apologize for my pessimism :)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

I'm so over this, for now.

I'm 17 years old and I should be living The Best Years of My Life. So help me God, I pray not. High school sucks. My prom is 3 weeks away and I haven't even looked for a dress. I love my life, don't get me wrong, but at times I find myself searching for more. Which is good, right? I mean as Americans we are constantly trying to upgrade EVERYTHING we have but I think God distinctively made me an American so I wouldn't find comfort in my walk with Him. You should never be comfortable with where you are, God is constantly trying to mold us.
I've seen, lately, the oppritunities God has set before me to grow and become more like Him. You learn something new everyday but if you're with God you should be learning plenty more! He has something to show us in every situation. I think we forget that. I think we forget that God placed us at that stoplight when we're running late to test our patience. We forget why God has us sit down with our mothers and show them how to use technology- service.
A good friend of mine is in ICU trying to recover from a seizure she had last night, we know little but she is heavily sedated. My prayers are with her family but my heart knows that God is with them and whatever happens is His will. My friend's father is not saved and this could be a great oppritunity for him to see what this whole God guy is all about. God's faithfulness is going to shine through this situation whether we like it or not. I think we lose sight of that.
My cousin passed away last month and at the funeral they reminded us that God judges you at the end of your life. I think we forget about that. I think we lose sight of the fact that, at this moment, we're missing oppritunities to complete God's will. If we don't act upon it there are 6,911,341,249 other people in the world God is more than willing to ask.
So don't forget what we're here for. I'm so over this, but maybe that means I need to be stretching for more? Or maybe I'm still here because God has more things in store for me I haven't noticed yet. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

fear is for cowards

At church we are doing 40 days of ordinary people to spend time in God's word and blog about it During my time of blogging I felt a real accountability and connection with knownigly putting my relationship with Christ out for other people to read about. During that week God showed me more than I expected, but probably because I was more conscience because I knew I had to come up with something at the end of the day to tell my fellow blue-chair-and-bleacher-ees.
Now that I'm in high school it's hard to find the type of accountability the blog had to offer; if I didn't blog people would be able to check and see I had been slacking. After that week ended God had been pushing me to start up a blog of my own, I kind of shrugged it off holding it off as long as I could. Soon, other people mentioned the same thing to me starting one, I knew that if I went through with having one I would have someone to blame as to why I started my own. "Oh well X thought it would be good for me to connect life to others about God," "Y said I was a good writer and wanted to see more," "Z reminded me how much it was like journaling." Even though X, Y, and Z had valid points their opinions were merely rehearsed conversations I had in my head incase anyone was going to make fun of why I'm doing this. The only logical reason I am starting this blog is because I am completely and utterly in love with my Savior Jesus Christ and He told me to start this. My excuses are unnecessary, for as Theodor Geisel once said: "those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
So thank you to whomever you are reading this, your accountability is greatly appreciated.
Alyssa Hicks