Sunday, July 17, 2011

Galations 6:9

Lately I've been finding myself extremely impatient with God's timing. I keep trying to rush into things that I think I'm ready for, or move forward and search for something that I wouldn't be able to handle. Being a 17-year-old girl brings on its mundane troubles but nothing too earth shattering. I just want things God knows I'm not ready for, and most of the reason is because I don't have my priorities straight, I'm not putting God first and now realizing this reminds me of what my priorities need to be.
God should be first in every situation no matter what the circumstances-they're not kidding when they tell you that works, it really does. Being human means I want a lot of things, a lot of which I'm not spiritually nor mentally ready for. And I respect that and know that I need to continue putting God first He will tell me when I'm ready for His blessings. So I will continue to pray and I will remain faithful and I will not grow weary because I know He has me. I may not know what's next, but He does. And for now, that's good enough for me.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

too much life going on

First off, I just want to apologize for my summer mode. I did not forget about this thing! But I’ve had a lot on my mind. TPX is doing SNL for the summer fellowship and I’ve been able to hang out with the high school girls a lot more lately before my final year of high school starts. It’s good to hear from everyone and what they have to say about our last year and what they want their plans to be. I miss hearing from everyone and actually caring…anyways, I’ve been picking at people lately, trying to get their perspective on certain things involving God, church, people, and themselves and I’ve learned that there’s a lot more I have to pick up and help out. Most kids in high school are searching for something confident to follow but most high schoolers do a horrible job on demonstrating the power of their God because they let others tell them who they are. And everyone in TPX is, or has been, in that situation before, so why don’t we all discuss it? No one wants to man up and admit they’re scared or need help! Well, I need help; I need perspective. I would love for someone to keep me in check, so I’ll continue to strive for high school perspective and let you know how others view life and change.