Sunday, May 22, 2011

May 21, 2011

So as some of you may have heard, the world was supposed to end yesterday. If God's calling me to go, hypothetically I'd drop everything; who wouldn't, right? Well obviously the world didn't end...but it got me thinking, if May 21st were to have been my last day, I wasn't really ready. I have so much planned in my near future and so much to look forward to I just couldn't go yet.
What's wrong with that? From all that I've been told and all that I've heard Heaven's a pretty cool place-better than earth, that's for sure. So what prior engagements could I possibly have planned that could top eternity with Christ? I'm 17-years-old, my near future mostly surrounds around my next meal or Friday night. How am I preparing myself for eternity with Christ, what am I doing now to make this world a better place than before, who the heck am I?! And why haven't I asked God any of these questions... It seems like everytime I get so far I find myself back at the starting line.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

embrace the martian

Today in class one of my teachers read an article about one man's opinion on God. Like most people's nowadays his point-of-view was that God falsely ruled the universe. He said that he believed in enough things like family, love, good-nature, people, jell-o, yes, jell-o; that he didn't see the need to start believing in something that wasn't there. After she read the article she asked us our opinions on what the man had to say. Two students stated their 3 word answers: "he is awesome," "what an idiot". Although neither of these students had a strong relationship with God, one more obvious than the other, the rest of us 23 students were the silent majority that didn't want to put our religious business out there. Of those 23, I was one of them, and so were 3 other girls who go to my church.
I knew personally how I felt about our Creator but afterwards I realized I had missed an opportunity to let others know about the God I serve. I don't know; high school is all about standing out to fit in. Everyone is picking up the latest fashion trend, or the exact opposite one to remain avant-garde to the rest of us. A huge fashion trend is to be atheist. Some believe it, but how can you really tell? Once you say you're this or that you're immediately disconnected to all the other things that can't mix with you.
A friend of mine who is atheist was talking about how he hates how other atheists judge him because he hangs out with believers and those believers whose friends do the same thing. It sucks, this vicious circle we're all forced to be in just because society tells us to.
I believe in God for many reasons, I'm not one with needs to conform and Christians are so branded with what they have to be all I can ask for is to step out of the norm and live on with the people God's put infront of me, for however long that may be. I'll have to fit in because Christ's light will make me stand out.
People always complain about how their differences or ways of life cause them to be treated different. I ask you, TREAT ME DIFFERENT. Don't compare me to others, I'm not normal-not even counting that I'm a Christ Follower- I'm awkward!
All I hear about now is to embrace your differences and although those words usually pertain to something totally different, I'm going to do the same for me. So embrace your differences and be who GOD made you to be, not society.