Thursday, November 3, 2011

You're missing out.

     It's hard to be a Christian and not allow your human side get in the way, but it's even harder to but a human and not allow your Christian side get in the way.
     My dad came home today and told me his best friend's brother, who has been sick for some time now, celebrated his birthday and death today. My dad proceeded to tell me of all the unglamorous things this man had done in his life; from breaking into people's houses, stealing from family, and so-on. But on his death bed he was saved. How gracious it is of our God to offer salvation to the less deserving: everybody. I used to think it was unfair that some people could live their life wrong but come in at the last second and ask for forgiveness and just get it–that easy. At TPX I work with a group of middle school students whom we ask the "hard questions" of. "Why do you follow Christ", "What have you done to better yourself or someone else", "When was the last time you did something selflessly". Most of the time when these questions are asked I sit with five pairs of eyes on me until I say something else. So I keep talking (it's a bad habit). Last night this reoccurred; I wasn't as polite as I usually am and this time when I kept talking it wasn't about the subject.
     If we, as Christians, can't recall the last time we heard from God that's a problem. Not with God but with ourselves. If you can't tell me why you follow Christ then you're just as dead in your transgressions as the rest of the world. If you're still in the middle school mindset of not knowing why you have the faith you do then the thief will come for you like a roaring lion waiting for something to devour. If you're weak minded in your faith you'll be just another of the many high school students that don't attend TPX anymore, for worldly reasons. You must ALWAYS be prepared to give anyone who asks you the reason for the hope that you have.
     I think we get confused on when eternity starts. Most of us live through our lives in hope of making it to the next level: Heaven. But what we forget is that eternal happiness doesn't start at Heaven's gates, it starts the second you accept Christ into your heart. The man who was saved today after living an unholy life, even though he has the blessing of eternity in Heaven, we, as believers now, are already living in our eternity. The only thing unfair of somebody being saved on their death bed is not that they get to reap the benefits of what Christians have built up their whole life for, it's that they don't get to reap the benefits here on earth! As Christians our eternity starts now, our call to be holy and praise God in all our actions began yesterday. What is God calling you to do that you're actually doing?